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  • Crain Kia of Fort Smith

Oct 20, 2022

No matter how long you’ve owned your car, it’s important to conduct regular maintenance on it to make sure that it’s in good shape to get you and your passengers to where you need to go safely. And one of the most important things to have checked is your brakes. While you should get brake service from your Kia dealer regularly, it can help to know the signs that show you need to bring your car in.

How Often Should Your Kia Get Brake Service at the Kia Dealer?

Set Intervals

It’s recommended to get your brakes checked every 20,000 to 60,000 miles, or after every six months. To make sure that they don’t forget to have their brakes looked at, most people have it done when they bring in their car to have the tires rotated. But there are a couple of factors you should consider when deciding how often to have your brakes serviced, as some people may need it done more frequently than others

If you tend to drive on hilly terrain with sharp turns, you’re probably going to use up your brakes much quicker than someone who drives on flat, straight roads most of the time. Additionally, urban driving will wear out brakes faster, since there’s a lot of starting and stopping involved. If either of these scenarios applies to you, think about having your brakes serviced closer to every 20,000 miles. You can do this at your Kia dealership!

Listen for Abnormal Noises

While it’s good to have a set schedule for getting your brakes examined and adjusted, that doesn’t mean you can just rely on your schedule alone. You also need to be attentive to any changes you hear or feel when you’re driving. You should be especially wary of grinding or squeaking noises that come from your brakes when you apply pressure. This could mean that the brake pads have been completely exhausted and need to be replaced immediately.

Squishy Brakes

Another reason you would need to get your brakes looked at by a Kia mechanic is if you feel like the brakes are squishy when you press down on them. This sensation could be accompanied by your car not slowing down as quickly as it would normally, which is a dangerous situation to be in. This problem may be caused by a leak in brake fluid, which could eventually lead to your brakes not working at all.

Unstable Steering Wheel

When you push your brakes and the steering wheel shakes or turns to one side, that means the rotors may be warped and need to be straightened, which can be done at your Kia dealership.

Come to Crain Kia of Fort Smith and our mechanics can help you with any problems you may have!